Mobile Food Pantry

By collaborating with Tiny Home Cribs we designed this tiny mobile home to help up to one hundred and fifty families at each stop. These families are experiencing food insecurity (a lack of consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy lifestyle) in rural and underserved communities in Chelan and Douglas Counties. It’s packed with various foods including fresh produce and frozen meats. This little unit makes a significant impact on our communities. It’s free and it’s easy to use because customers can park and enter the pantry, choose what they like, and go.

All of Douglas county and a large portion of Chelan county are “food deserts,” meaning that it is difficult to access affordable or good-quality fresh food in this area because of the distance a person has to travel to a well-stocked grocery store.

Working with our food partners we are helping bridge gaps between access and healthy choices. AmeriCorps members and volunteers primarily run our Mobile Food Pantry.

If your community is interested in hosting the Mobile Pantry, please email

Please include your name or organization and a contact number.