Homeless Prevention
For low-income households who are at risk of losing their housing.
Homeless Prevention programs are intended to assist households in maintaining their current housing to avoid becoming homeless. CDCAC provides prevention assistance to eligible households throughout Chelan and Douglas Counties.
Prevention programs are generally short-term. These programs are based on the household’s individual needs for support with an emphasis on becoming self-sufficient. In addition to rent assistance, households can be provided supportive services to help them address their barriers to maintaining housing stability.
Households seeking homelessness prevention assistance must first undergo a Coordinated Entry assessment. The assessment can be done over the phone by calling (509) 436-9086. Completing the Coordinated Entry assessment does not guarantee eligibility for services. Additional screening must be done to determine eligibility for specific programs.
**Homeless Prevention resources are very limited and households are being placed on a waiting list for services.
General Eligibility Requirements
Owing rent to a landlord
Lack the resources and support networks needed to obtain other permanent housing
Meet income eligibility requirements
*Additional eligibility criteria may apply
Services Provided
• Assistance with past-due rent
• Ongoing rent assistance on a month-by-month basis
• Utility assistance
• Case management
• Housing stability planning
CDCAC currently offers Homeless Prevention services through these programs:
- Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG)
- Housing and Essential Needs (HEN)
For more information please call Chelan Douglas Community Action Council at (509) 662-6156 or Coordinated Entry at (509) 436-9086
Rapid Rehousing
Households currently experiencing homelessness may be eligible to receive assistance to obtain and maintain permanent housing. Rapid Rehousing programs can help identify suitable housing as well as provide rent subsidies and housing-focused supportive services.
Homeless Prevention
Assistance for households who are at imminent risk of losing their primary nighttime residence to help maintain their housing.
Affordable Housing
CDCAC-operated apartment communities that provide affordable housing opportunities for low-income households. Our affordable housing programs consist of both permanent and transitional housing.