Energy Assistance
Ensuring warmth and safety for low-income households

The Energy Assistance Program maintains power and heat for households by helping them pay their heating bills, whether it’s electricity, gas, oil, propane, wood, or wood pellets.
At times, we can also provide air conditioners or air purifiers. To be eligible, you must be eligible for LIHEAP (the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program). Please note that air purifiers are only offered in connection with an active State of Emergency declared by the Governor for Wildlife Emergencies and are only offered in those counites named in the declaration.
By partnering with Chelan County PUD, Douglas County PUD, Cascade Natural Gas, Department of Energy, Washington State Department of Commerce and other essential organizations, we are able to help over 1,000 families stay safe and warm each year.
Utility/Rate Payer Sponsored
Donation Programs
Neighbor to Neighbor:
Donation opportunity through Douglas County PUD where you can help others to keep their utilities on, or get help to keep your utilities on when there are funds available.
Helping Hand:
Donation opportunity through Chelan County PUD where you can help others to keep their utilities on, or get help to keep your utilities on when there are funds available.
Winter Help:
Donation opportunity through Cascade Natural Gas where you can help others to keep their utilities on, or get help to keep your utilities on when there are funds
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Commerce’s Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) aims to help low-income households in Washington State receive affordable, dependable utility services and avoid disconnection.
Eligibility Requirements
Income requirements: 2023 – 2024
(150% or less of the federal poverty level)
Household Size |
Monthly Income |
1 | $1,883.00 |
2 | $2,555.00 |
3 | $3,228.00 |
4 | $3,900.00 |
5 | $4,573.00 |
Information Required:
- Information on previous one month of household income, including:
- Payroll income
- Social Security
- SSDI (disability)
- Pension
- VA benefits
- Child support
- Identification for all household members, which can include:
- Social security card OR
- U.S. Passport OR
- Permanent resident card or refugee application
- (You may still be able to apply even if you don’t have the above identification documents)
State Home Energy Assistance Program (SHEAP)
The new State Home Energy Assistance Program (SHEAP) helps people in Washington pay their utility bills and move to low-to-no carbon heating and cooling options. SHEAP is available for individuals and families who are making up to 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI).
Chelan Douglas Community Action Council
Policies for Air Conditioner/ Air Purifier Unit Assistance
Program Year 2023 (May through October)- 2024 TBD
Chelan Douglas Community Action Council may provide air conditioner and/or air purifier units to eligible residents of Chelan and Douglas Counties.
To be eligible for an air conditioner or air purifier unit, you must be eligible for LIHEAP (the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) and approved by CDCAC staff for LIHEAP assistance during the current program year.
Due to limited funding the program will follow the following priority list guidelines for applicants.
Applicants must have at least one of the following conditions to be eligible for air conditioner or air purifier assistance. The higher the rank of the household situation, the higher the priority for receiving a unit.
The household’s average monthly income is at or below 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL).
1) Persons with Disabilities
2) Persons with Respiratory complications COPD, Asthma, or Physician verification
3) Elderly Persons (60+) Health Conditions
4) Household with Children under six (6) years of age
5) Elderly Persons (65+)
Completion of an application does not guarantee an air conditioning unit or air purifier. The program is subject to funding availability, and guidelines may change per the discretion of CDCAC and/or the Washington State Department of Commerce.
Air purifiers are only offered in connection with a State of Emergency declared by the Governor for Wildfire Emergencies and are only offered if Chelan and/or Douglas County is named in the declaration.
Let us know who your utility provider is and we will work to help find the right assistance for you.

Weatherization is adding insulation, sealing cracks, and making other changes that reduce heat loss, save you money on heating bills and make your home or apartment healthier. The federal government and Washington State offer weatherization programs, which Commerce runs, for qualified low-income households. For general information on what the Weatherization Program provides, Contact Chelan-Douglas Community Action Council at
Emergency Heat Repair
Provides emergency heat repair or replacement when your home heating system is in imminent failure.
Income Requirements: 150% or less of the Federal Poverty Level.
Eligibility Requirements:
Must be eligible and have received LIHEAP Energy Assistance. Must own and reside in the residence in which applying for.
Senior/Disabled Discounts
ONLY Chelan County PUD Customers are eligible for this program.
Income and Eligibility Requirements For the Disabled Discount: 125% or less of the Federal Poverty Level and proof of disability.
Income and Eligibility Requirements For the Senior Discount:
Must be age 62 or over and earn less than $41,000 a year combined income for everyone in the household.