Affordable Housing

Sunset Ridge and Crescent Village Apartments

Transitional and Permanent Housing

CDCAC operates two apartment complexes (one in Wenatchee and another in East Wenatchee) that comprise a total of 50 units of affordable housing for low-income families and individuals. Of the 50 units, 26 are transitional housing while 24 are permanent housing. These units are unsubsidized, meaning the monthly rent amount is not based on the household’s income.

Transitional housing is a twenty-four-month program for households seeking affordable housing who are currently homeless. Households will develop a self-sufficiency plan and are provided case management and supportive services to aid them in obtaining permanent housing.

Our permanent housing units are designated for large households, developmentally disabled individuals, and general low-income households. Permanent units do not require tenants to receive case management services; however, case management may be provided upon request.

General Eligibility Requirements

  • Be literally homeless (sheltered or unsheltered) at time of application for assistance
    • Sheltered Homeless: Residing in a temporary housing program (i.e. Emergency shelter, transitional housing)
    • Unsheltered Homeless: Residing in a place not meant for habitation (car, park, abandoned building, etc.) or fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence
  • Income eligible

*Additional eligibility criteria may apply

2024 Income Limits**

Based on household size

  • 1 person: $32,450
  • 2 person: $37,100
  • 3 person: $41,700
  • 4 person: $46,350
  • 5 person: $50,100
  • 6 person: $53,750
  • 7 person: $57,500
  • 8 person: $61,200

** Income limits effective 5/15/2023

Contact our office to obtain an application to be placed on our waiting list.

*We do not allow pets

Rapid Rehousing

Households currently experiencing homelessness may be eligible to receive assistance to obtain and maintain permanent housing. Rapid Rehousing programs can help identify suitable housing as well as provide rent subsidies and housing-focused supportive services.

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Homeless Prevention

Assistance for households who are at imminent risk of losing their primary nighttime residence to help maintain their housing.

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Affordable Housing

CDCAC-operated apartment communities that provide affordable housing opportunities for low-income households. Our affordable housing programs consist of both permanent and transitional housing.

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